Thursday, April 30, 2009

Diaper/Wipes Bag

Gina is the genius on this project!


  • 8 3/4 X 24.5” lining
  • 9 X 24.5” exterior fabric
  • 8 3/4 X 24.5” thin batting (1/4 in. thick)
  • 2” velcro (non-sticky)
  • coordinating thread
  • 1.5 yards coordinating ribbon


1. Sew Velcro (soft side) centered 1 1/4” from top edge on right side of lining fabric. Sew around all edges of velcro as close as possible.

2-On right side of exterior fabric, mark a line with ruler 1 1/2” in on 3 sides (leaving one short side unmarked) MAKE SURE TO SQUARE OFF THE SIDE!

3-Pin ribbon on line and sew on.

4. Stack the fabric: main fabric right side up with ribboned edge on top; lining right side down with velcro on top and lined up on right edge of exterior fabric, then batting centered on lining.

5. Pin right side and sew using a 1/4” seam allowance.

6. Pin left side, lining up the left edge of lining and exterior. Exterior fabric will not lay flat. Sew using 1/4” seam allowance.

7. Tuck and pin the excess exterior fabric on short sides evenly. Sew straight across short side with velcro using 1/4” seam allowance. On short side opposite the velcro sew across leaving a 2.5” gap in the middle. This is where you’ll pull the fabric through to turn it right side out.

8. If you have any excess batting, cut the edge of the batting as close to the seam as possible without cutting your fabric or the stitching. This will help get rid of some of the bulk when you’re top stitching later.

9. Trim your corners at a 45 degree angle, being careful not to cut stitches.

10. Turn right side out, making sure to press corners out.

11. Iron the edges of your case centering your lining on the exterior fabric. Lining should be slightly smaller than exterior fabric

12. Fold the edges of your opening inward and pin it in place so that the edges match up.

13. Top stitch all the way across the side with the opening-sew very close to the edge.

14. Face the case lining side up with top stitched edge at the bottom. Starting from the top, measure 3 3/4” and fold the bottom up to the 3 3/4” mark. Match up your side edges and pin top edge in place.

15. Fold over flap and mark where Velcro hits. Un-pin and sew Velcro (rough side) in place. Re-pin up to 3 3/4” mark and make sure Velcro lines up.

16. Starting at the bottom left corner top stitch (close to the edge), backstitching over “pocket” for added security) on all 3 sides. Don’t stitch over the bottom fold.

17. After you’ve top stitched, fold your flap down and iron it in place.